Velostics Insights

6 Takeaways from the OTM conference 2024

Written by Admin | Aug 14, 2024 7:50:12 PM

The 2024 OTM User Conference was a nationwide event for professionals in logistics and supply chain management, gathering key stakeholders to discuss the evolving landscape of transportation and trade management solutions. Held in Philadelphia, PA, the event offered a rich platform for exchanging ideas, discussing emerging trends, and exploring the future direction of Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) systems. Below are the 6 key takeaways from the conference that Velostics team found relevant to industry participants and stakeholders in case you missed the event.


1. Transition from On-Premises to Cloud Solutions

A key focus of the conference was the ongoing transition from on-premises systems to cloud-based solutions. This shift is seen as critical for enabling scalability and rapid deployment of new features. The move to the cloud is also unlocking new opportunities for integrating advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), which can enhance the capabilities of OTM systems. The discussions at the conference highlighted the growing interest in cloud solutions as a means to achieve greater flexibility, reduce costs, and enhance system capabilities through continuous updates and improvements.


2. Emphasis on AI and Automation

AI and automation were central themes throughout the conference, reflecting their growing importance in the logistics industry. The potential for AI to improve prescriptive analytics, reduce manual processes, and enhance decision-making was a key area of interest. Attendees were particularly keen on exploring how AI could provide greater visibility into supply chain operations, allowing for more proactive management of potential issues. The consensus was that leveraging AI and automation would be crucial for addressing labor shortages and other operational challenges, making these technologies indispensable for future-proofing logistics operations.


3. Innovation Opportunities in Scheduling and Yard Management

Another area of focus was the innovation opportunities within scheduling and yard management. These functions are becoming increasingly critical as companies seek to close the visibility gap at key points in the supply chain, such as pick-up and delivery. The conference discussions highlighted how integrating advanced scheduling and yard management capabilities into existing OTM systems could enhance overall supply chain efficiency. This trend is indicative of a broader move toward more comprehensive solutions that address end-to-end supply chain visibility and management.


4. Challenges and Concerns with Industry Trends

Despite the optimism surrounding new technologies, there were also discussions about the challenges and potential downsides of these trends. One concern is that as major software providers expand their functionality downstream, smaller players may struggle to keep up. Additionally, the push towards automation and AI, while beneficial in many respects, could also lead to significant shifts in labor dynamics, raising questions about the long-term impact on employment within the industry. These concerns highlight the need for a balanced approach to adopting new technologies, ensuring that they complement rather than displace existing capabilities and workforces.


5. The Road Ahead for OTM Systems

Looking forward, the roadmap for OTM systems appears to be heavily focused on enhancing AI-driven capabilities and expanding automation across the supply chain. The conference provided insights into how these technologies will be integrated into OTM solutions, with a clear emphasis on minimizing manual tasks and improving predictive capabilities. The discussions also pointed to a growing interest in creating more open and collaborative ecosystems, where different solutions can be integrated seamlessly to provide greater value to shippers and other stakeholders.


6. Expanding Ecosystem of Solutions

The expansion of the OTM ecosystem was another key theme at the conference. This involves not only the integration of new technologies but also the inclusion of additional partners and third-party solutions that can extend the functionality of OTM systems. This trend is driven by the need to simplify and enhance various aspects of the logistics process, particularly in areas like pick-up and delivery. By broadening the ecosystem, OTM can offer more comprehensive solutions that address a wider range of needs within the supply chain, from operational efficiency to strategic decision-making.



The 2024 OTM User Conference provided a wealth of insights into the current state and future direction of logistics and supply chain management. The key takeaways from the event underscore the importance of community, innovation, and technology in driving the industry forward. As the sector continues to evolve, the adoption of AI, automation, and cloud-based solutions will be crucial in addressing the challenges of today while preparing for the opportunities of tomorrow. Industry participants who embrace these trends will be well-positioned to lead in an increasingly complex and competitive environment.